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2-Aminoacridone Sale

(Synonyms: 2-氨基吖啶酮) 目录号 : GC30208


2-Aminoacridone Chemical Structure

Cas No.:27918-14-5

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2-Aminoacridone is a widely used fluorophore (λexc=428 nm, λem=525 nm).

By using 2-Aminoacridone (AMAC) as labeling molecule, sensitivity for detection of GAG-derived disaccharides is greatly enhanced, and resolution is also improved[1].

[1]. Robert A. M. Vreeburg,et al. Fingerprinting of hydroxyl radical-attacked polysaccharides by N-isopropyl-2-aminoacridone labelling.Biochem J. 2014 Oct 15; 463(Pt 2): 225-237.

Chemical Properties

Cas No. 27918-14-5 SDF
别名 2-氨基吖啶酮
Canonical SMILES O=C1C2=C(C=CC=C2)NC3=CC=C(N)C=C13
分子式 C13H10N2O 分子量 210.24
溶解度 DMSO : 2.94 mg/mL (13.98 mM; ultrasonic and warming and heat to 60°C) 储存条件 Store at -20°C,unstable in solution, ready to use.
General tips 请根据产品在不同溶剂中的溶解度选择合适的溶剂配制储备液;一旦配成溶液,请分装保存,避免反复冻融造成的产品失效。
储备液的保存方式和期限:-80°C 储存时,请在 6 个月内使用,-20°C 储存时,请在 1 个月内使用。
Shipping Condition 评估样品解决方案:配备蓝冰进行发货。所有其他可用尺寸:配备RT,或根据请求配备蓝冰。


1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 4.7565 mL 23.7823 mL 47.5647 mL
5 mM 0.9513 mL 4.7565 mL 9.5129 mL
10 mM 0.4756 mL 2.3782 mL 4.7565 mL
  • 摩尔浓度计算器

  • 稀释计算器

  • 分子量计算器

*在配置溶液时,请务必参考产品标签上、MSDS / COA(可在Glpbio的产品页面获得)批次特异的分子量使用本工具。


动物体内配方计算器 (澄清溶液)

给药剂量 mg/kg 动物平均体重 g 每只动物给药体积 ul 动物数量
% DMSO % % Tween 80 % saline

Research Update

Peptide substrate for caspase-3 with 2-Aminoacridone as reporting group

Amino Acids 2009 Mar;36(3):581-6.18597040 10.1007/s00726-008-0136-4

Synthesis and properties of a new fluorescent/fluorogenic substrate Ac-DEVD-AMAC for caspase-3 are reported. The substrate is obtained by conventional Fmoc-based solid phase peptide synthesis and its properties are investigated with regard to fluorescence, sensitivity, applicability and kinetic constants. A non-traditional approach to assay the proteases activity using 2-Aminoacridone labeled peptides is proposed. This approach utilizes the decrease of fluorescence intensity of a sample as a measure for the enzyme activity.

The Synthesis of L-Alanyl and β-Alanyl Derivatives of 2-Aminoacridone and Their Application in the Detection of Clinically-Important Microorganisms

PLoS One 2016 Jul 8;11(7):e0158378.27391894 PMC4938530

In clinical microbiology the speed with which pathogenic microorganisms may be detected has a direct impact on patient health. One important strategy used in the laboratory is the growth of cultures in the presence of an enzymatic substrate which, once transformed by the appropriate microbial enzyme, generates a detectable colour or fluorescence output. Such substrates have previously been prepared by our group and others and are available as commercial diagnostic kits, however they all suffer from some degree of diffusion when used in a solid growth medium. This diffusion complicates the detection and differentiation of species in polymicrobial cultures and so we sought to improve on our previous work. In this work we have prepared and evaluated a series of novel fluorogenic enzyme substrates based on N-substituted-2-aminoacridones. All of the prepared substrates were found to be suitable for the detection and differentiation of certain microorganisms, however those based on the 2-amino-10-benzylacridone core in particular showed no apparent diffusion when incorporated into solid growth media. On transformation these substrates generated brightly fluorescent colonies that are clearly contrasted with the background medium due to the difference in emission wavelength (λem 445-450 nm for the substrate, λem 550 nm for the product). Here we have shown that our L-alanyl aminopeptidase substrate, 2-(N-L-alanylamino)-10-benzylacridone, is particularly suited to the detection of Gram-negative bacteria, and our β-alanyl aminopeptidase substrate, 2-(N- β-alanylamino)-10-benzylacridone, to the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens when grown on solid media incorporating these substrates. The resulting fluorophore shows no apparent diffusion from the colonies of interest, and the enhanced sensitivity offered by fluorescent emission may allow for the detection of these organisms as microcolonies using automated fluorescence microscopy.

Analysis of glycosaminoglycan-derived, precolumn, 2-aminoacridone-labeled disaccharides with LC-fluorescence and LC-MS detection

Nat Protoc 2014 Mar;9(3):541-58.24504479 10.1038/nprot.2014.026

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) possess considerable heterogeneity in average molecular mass, molecular mass range, disaccharide composition and content and position of sulfo groups. Despite recent technological advances in the analysis of GAGs, the determination of GAG disaccharide composition still remains challenging and provides key information required for understanding GAG function. Analysis of GAG-derived disaccharides relies on enzymatic treatment, providing one of the most practical and quantitative approaches for compositional mapping. Tagging the reducing end of disaccharides with an aromatic fluorescent label affords stable derivatives with properties that enable improved detection and resolution. HPLC with on-line electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) offers a relatively soft ionization method for detection and characterization of sulfated oligosaccharides. GAGs obtained from tissues, biological fluids or cells are treated with various enzymes to obtain disaccharides that are fluorescently labeled with 2-Aminoacridone (AMAC) and resolved by different LC systems for high-sensitivity detection by fluorescence, and then they are unambiguously characterized by MS. The preparation and labeling of GAG-derived disaccharides can be performed in ∿-2 d, and subsequent HPLC separation and on-line fluorescence detection and ESI-MS analysis takes another 1-2 h.

Fingerprinting of hydroxyl radical-attacked polysaccharides by N-isopropyl-2-aminoacridone labelling

Biochem J 2014 Oct 15;463(2):225-37.25072268 PMC4170706

Hydroxyl radicals (•OH) cause non-enzymic scission of polysaccharides in diverse biological systems. Such reactions can be detrimental (e.g. causing rheumatic and arthritic diseases in mammals) or beneficial (e.g. promoting the softening of ripening fruit, and biomass saccharification). Here we present a method for documenting •OH action, based on fluorescent labelling of the oxo groups that are introduced as glycosulose residues when •OH attacks polysaccharides. The method was tested on several polysaccharides, especially pectin, after treatment with Fenton reagents. 2-Aminoacridone plus cyanoborohydride reductively aminated the oxo groups in treated polysaccharides; the product was then reacted with acetone plus cyanoborohydride, forming a stable tertiary amine with the carbohydrate linked to N-isopropyl-2-aminoacridone (pAMAC). Digestion of labelled pectin with 'Driselase' yielded several fluorescent products which on electrophoresis and HPLC provided a useful 'fingerprint' indicating •OH attack. The most diagnostic product was a disaccharide conjugate of the type pAMAC·UA-GalA (UA=unspecified uronic acid), whose UA-GalA bond was Driselase-resistant (product 2A). 2A was clearly distinguishable from GalA-GalA-pAMAC (disaccharide labelled at its reducing end), which was digestible to GalA-pAMAC. The methodology is applicable, with appropriate enzymes in place of Driselase, for detecting natural and artificial •OH attack in diverse plant, animal and microbial polysaccharides.

Capillary electrophoresis separation of human milk neutral and acidic oligosaccharides derivatized with 2-Aminoacridone

Electrophoresis 2014 Mar;35(6):811-8.24338619 10.1002/elps.201300490

Human milk is a unique fluid in glycobiology due to the presence of many free structurally complex oligosaccharides emerging as important dietary factors during early life and having many biological and protective functions. Methods that allow accurate profiling of oligosaccharide mixtures in this complex biological fluid with quantification of the four known genetically determined groups are welcomed. A high-voltage CE separation and detection at 254 nm of 17 neutral and acidic human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) standard along with lactose derivatized with 2-Aminoacridone, using a BGE containing 20% methanol as an organic modifier and borate, able to form on-capillary anionic borate-polyol complexes, is reported. This CE approach was able to separate both neutral HMOs and acidic HMOs, with the sialic acid residue, also in the presence of lactose in high content. This method was applied to the four secretory groups individually extracted by a rapid and simple preparative step. LODs were found ranging from ∿0 to 700 fmol. We were able to measure HMO content also in the presence of excess fluorophore, or interference from proteins, peptides, salts, and other impurities normally present in this complex biological fluid. Overall, CE equipped with a UV detector is a common analytical approach and this simple CE separation offers high resolution and sensitivity for the differentiation of human milk samples related to genetic groups and days of lactation by considering that important changes in HMO content are a reflection of the lactation day.