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Vitamin A Sale

(Synonyms: 维生素A) 目录号 : GC37913

An intermediate in retinol metabolism

Vitamin A Chemical Structure

Cas No.:11103-57-4

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Vitamin A, also known as all-trans retinol, is an intermediate in retinol metabolism in animals. It is metabolized to retinoic acid , a ligand for both the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and the retinoid X receptor (RXR). RAR and RXR heterodimerize and act as ligand-dependent transcriptional regulators, with roles in development, reproduction, immunity, organogenesis, and cancer.1,2,3

1.Duong, V., and Rochette-Egly, C.The molecular physiology of nuclear retinoic acid receptors. From health to diseaseBiochim. Biophys. Acta1812(8)1023-1031(2011) 2.Rochette-Egly, C., and Germain, P.Dynamic and combinatorial control of gene expression by nuclear retinoic acid receptors (RARs)Nucl. Recept. Signal7e005(2009) 3.Dollé, P.Developmental expression of retinoic acid receptors (RARs)Nucl. Recept. Signal71-13(2009)

Chemical Properties

Cas No. 11103-57-4 SDF
别名 维生素A
Canonical SMILES [Vitamin A]
分子式 分子量
溶解度 Chloroform: 10 mg/ml,DMF: 30 mg/ml,DMSO: 30 mg/ml,Ethanol: 10 mg/ml 储存条件 Store at -20°C
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% DMSO % % Tween 80 % saline

Research Update

The importance of Vitamin A in nutrition

Curr Pharm Des 2000 Feb;6(3):311-25.PMID:10637381DOI:10.2174/1381612003401190.

Preformed Vitamin A (all-trans-retinol and its esters) and provitamin A (beta-carotene) are essential dietary nutrients that provide a source of retinol. Both retinyl esters and beta-carotene are metabolized to retinol. The retinol-binding proteins on binding retinol provide a means for solubilizing retinol for delivery to target tissues and for regulating retinol plasma concentrations. Oxidation of retinol provides retinal, which is essential for vision, and retinoic acid, a transcription factor ligand that has important roles in regulating genes involved in cell morphogenesis, differentiation, and proliferation. The observations that Vitamin A can produce cell and tissue changes similar to those found during neoplastic transformation and that vitamin supplementation can reverse this process indicated a potential role for Vitamin A in cancer prevention. Thus far, correlative epidemiological studies on Vitamin A use and cancer prevention have produced mixed results, as this review indicates. Apparently, in populations deficient in Vitamin A (caused by an inadequate diet or tobacco use), supplementation programs appear to be effective in reducing cancer incidence. In groups already having sufficient dietary or supplemental Vitamin A, cancer prevention by added Vitamin A may not be particularly effective. The most likely reason for the low efficacy in the latter groups is that feedback mechanisms that increase retinol storage in the liver limit retinol plasma levels; whereas, supplementation at higher doses causes toxicity. In addition to serving as a metabolic source of retinol, beta-carotene, along with other dietary carotenoids, function as antioxidants that can prevent carcinogenesis by decreasing the levels of the free-radicals that cause DNA damage.

Vitamin A and the epigenome

Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2017 Jul 24;57(11):2404-2411.PMID:26565606DOI:10.1080/10408398.2015.1060940.

The epigenetic phenomena refer to heritable changes in gene expression other than those in the DNA sequence, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications. Major research progress in the last few years has provided further proof that environmental factors, including diet and nutrition, can influence physiologic and pathologic processes through epigenetic alterations, which in turn influence gene expression. This influence is termed nutritional epigenetics, and one prominent example is the regulation of gene transcription by Vitamin A through interaction to its nuclear receptor. Vitamin A is critical throughout life. Together with its derivatives, it regulates diverse processes including reproduction, embryogenesis, vision, growth, cellular differentiation and proliferation, maintenance of epithelial cellular integrity and immune function. Here we review the epigenetic role of Vitamin A in cancer, stem cells differentiation, proliferation, and immunity. The data presented here show that retinoic acid is a potent agent capable of inducing alterations in epigenetic modifications that produce various effects on the phenotype. Medical benefits of Vitamin A as an epigenetic modulator, especially with respect to its chronic use as nutritional supplement, should rely on our further understanding of its epigenetic effects during health and disease, as well as through different generations.

Illuminating the Role of Vitamin A in Skin Innate Immunity and the Skin Microbiome: A Narrative Review

Nutrients 2021 Jan 21;13(2):302.PMID:33494277DOI:10.3390/nu13020302.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in skin immunity. Deficiencies in Vitamin A have been linked to impaired immune response and increased susceptibility to skin infections and inflammatory skin disease. This narrative review summarizes recent primary evidence that elucidates the role of Vitamin A and its derivatives on innate immune regulators through mechanisms that promote skin immunity and sustain the skin microbiome.

Vitamin A in health care: Suppression of growth and induction of differentiation in cancer cells by Vitamin A and its derivatives and their mechanisms of action

Pharmacol Ther 2022 Feb;230:107942.PMID:34175370DOI:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2021.107942.

Vitamin A is an important micro-essential nutrient, whose primary dietary source is retinyl esters. In addition, β-carotene (pro-vitamin A) is a precursor of Vitamin A contained in green and yellow vegetables that is converted to retinol in the body after ingestion. Retinol is oxidized to produce visual retinal, which is further oxidized to retinoic acid (RA), which is used as a therapeutic agent for patients with promyelocytic leukemia. Thus, the effects of retinal and RA are well known. In this paper, we will introduce (1) Vitamin A circulation in the body, (2) the actions and mechanisms of retinal and RA, (3) retinoylation: another RA mechanism not depending on RA receptors, (4) the relationship between cancer and actions of retinol or β-carotene, whose roles in vivo are still unknown, and (5) anti-cancer actions of Vitamin A derivatives derived from fenretinide (4-HPR). We propose that Vitamin A nutritional management is effective in the prevention of cancer.

Biological evidence to define a Vitamin A deficiency cutoff using total liver Vitamin A reserves

Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021 May;246(9):1045-1053.PMID:33765844DOI:10.1177/1535370221992731.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin involved in essential functions including growth, immunity, reproduction, and vision. The Vitamin A Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for North Americans suggested that a minimally acceptable total liver Vitamin A reserve (TLR) is 0.07 µmol/g, which is not explicitly expressed as a Vitamin A deficiency cutoff. The Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development panel set the TLR cutoff for Vitamin A deficiency at 0.1 µmol/g based on changes in biological response of several physiological parameters at or above this cutoff. The criteria used to formulate the DRIs include clinical ophthalmic signs of Vitamin A deficiency, circulating plasma retinol concentrations, excretion of Vitamin A metabolites in the bile, and long-term storage of Vitamin A as protection against Vitamin A deficiency during times of low dietary intake. This review examines the biological responses that occur as TLRs are depleted. In consideration of all of the DRI criteria, the review concludes that induced biliary excretion and long-term Vitamin A storage do not occur until TLRs are >0.10 µmol/g. If long-term storage is to continue to be part of the DRI criteria, Vitamin A deficiency should be set at a minimum cutoff of 0.10 µmol/g and should be set higher during times of enhanced requirements where TLRs can be rapidly depleted, such as during lactation or in areas with high infection burden. In population-based surveys, cutoffs are important when using biomarkers of micronutrient status to define the prevalence of deficiency and sufficiency to inform public health interventions. Considering the increasing use of quantitative biomarkers of Vitamin A status that indirectly assess TLRs, i.e. the modified-relative-dose response and retinol-isotope dilution tests, setting a TLR as a Vitamin A deficiency cutoff is important for users of these techniques to estimate Vitamin A deficiency prevalence. Future researchers and policymakers may suggest that DRIs should be set with regard to optimal health and not merely to prevent a micronutrient deficiency.