Recombinant Proteins(重组蛋白)
Recombinant proteins are a new combination of genes that forms DNA. Recombinant DNA technology allows for the production of wild type and modified human and mammalian proteins at bulk quantities. Recombinant proteins are made from cloned DNA sequences which usually encode an enzyme or protein with known function
Recombinant proteins are made through genetic engineering, also called gene splicing or recombinant DNA technology. By putting human, animal or plant genes into the genetic material of bacteria, mammalian or yeast cells, these microorganisms can be used as factories or producers to make proteins for medical, academic and research uses.
A vector is simply a tool for manipulating DNA and can be viewed as a "transport vehicle" for the production of proteins from specific DNA sequences cloned into them. Purification and expression of a protein can sometimes be quite complicated & time-consuming, therefore an additional tag is used in addition to the specific DNA sequence which will facilitate the purification & expresion of the recombinant protein.
Recombinant Proteins are proteins that their DNA that has been created artificially. DNA from 2 or more sources which is incorporated into a single recombinant molecule. The DNA is first treated with restriction endonuclease enzyme which the ends of the cut have an overhanging piece of single-stranded DNA. These are called "sticky ends" because they are able to base pair with any DNA molecule containing the complementary sticky end. DNA ligase covalently links the two strands into 1 recombinant DNA molecule.
Recombinant DNA molecule must be replicated many times to provide material for analysis & sequencing. Producing many identical copies of the same recombinant DNA molecule is called cloning. Cloning is done in vitro, by a process called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Cloning in vivo can be done in unicellular microbessuch as E. coli, unicellular eukaryotes like yeast and in mammalian cells grown in tissue culture.
Recombinant DNA must be taken up by the cell in a form in which it can be replicated and expressed. This is achieved by incorporating the DNA in a vector. A number of viruses (both bacterial and of mammalian cells) can serve as vectors.
Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as chimera. When combining two or more different strands of DNA.There are 3 different methods by which Recombinant DNA is made. 1. Transformation, 2. Phage-Transfection 3.Yeast, Plant & Mammalian Transformation. When using the method of transformation one needs to select a piece of DNA to be inserted into a vector, cut a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme and ligate the DNA insert into the vector with DNA Ligase. The insert contains a selectable marker which allows for identification of recombinant molecules. An antibiotic marker is used in order to cause death for a host cell which does not contain the vector when exposed to a certain antibiotic.
Trasnformation is the insertion of the vector into the host cell. The host cells are prepared to take up the foreign DNA. Selectable markers are used for antibiotic resistance, color changes, or any other characteristic which can distinguish transformed hosts from untransformed hosts. Yeast, Plant & Mammalian Transformation is done by micro-injecting the DNA into the nucleus of the cell being transformed. Phage-Transfection process, is equivalent to transformation except for the fact that phage lambda or MI3 is used instead of bacteria.
These phages produce plaques which contain recombinant proteins which can be easily distinguished from the non-recombinant proteins by various selection methods.
Significant amounts of recombinant protein are produced by the host only when expression genes are added. The Protein’s expression depends on the genes which surround the DNA of interest, this collection of genes act as signals which provide instructions for the transcription and translation of the DNA of interest by the cell. These signals include the promoter, ribosome binding site, and terminator.
The recombinant DNA is inserted into expression vectors which contain the promoter, ribosome binding site, and terminator.
In prokaryotic systems, the promoter, ribosome binding site, and terminator have to be from the same host since the bacteria is unlikely to understand the signals of human promoters and terminators. The designated gene must not contain human introns since the bacteria does not recognize it and this results in premature termination, and the recombinant protein may not be processed correctly, be folded correctly, or may even be degraded.
The peptide sequence can be added as an extension at the N-terminal. Researchers can select the specific purification system which they would like to use. The unique vectors available contain several features needed for the production of bulk quantities of the target protein. The peptide sequence is usually placed in the vector so that it is designed to be a point of attack for a specific protease. Thus, after the recombinant protein is expressed and extracted from bacteria, specific peptide extension can be used to purify the protein and subsequently removed from the target protein to generate a nearly natural sequence on the final product.
6 or more consistent Histidine residues act as a metal binding site for recombinant protein purification and expression. The hexa-His sequence is called a His-Tag sequence which can be placed on the N-terminal of a target protein by using vectors from various commercial molecular biology companies. The His-Tag contains a cleavage site for a specific protease. His-Tag recombinant proteins are purified by Metal Chelate Affinity Chromatography such as nickel ion columns that are used as the heavy metal ion and the His-Tag protein is eluted from the metal-chelate column with Histidine or imidazole. Then the purified His-Tag protein is treated with the specific protease to cleave off the His-Tag or not if the tag doesn’t affect the active site of the protein.
Proteins have metal binding sites which can be used for the purification of recombinant and natural proteins. This type of purification is rather simple when using a gel bead which is covalently modified so that it displays a chelator group for binding a heavy metal ion like Ni2+ or Zn2+. The chelating group on the gel bead contains a small amount of the ligands needed to hold the metal ion. So when the protein’s metal binding site finds the heavy metal, it will bind by providing the ligands from its metal binding site to attach to the metal ion displayed on the chelator location of the gel bead. This purification method is quite identical to affinity chromatography when purifying metal-binding class of proteins.
Products for Recombinant Proteins
- Actin(7)
- ADAM(3)
- Adaptor-Related Protein Complex(3)
- ADP-Ribosylation Factor(21)
- Ag85(2)
- Albumin(6)
- Allergy(156)
- Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein(4)
- Anaplasma(3)
- Angiogenin(2)
- Ankyrin Repeat Domain(5)
- Annexin(20)
- Anterior Gradient Protein(3)
- ASF1 Anti-Silencing Function 1(2)
- ATP Synthase Mitochondrial(3)
- ATPase(9)
- Autophagy Related(4)
- B Cell Lymphoma(24)
- B9 Protein(2)
- Babesia Microti(3)
- Baculoviral IAP Repeat-Containing(3)
- Bartonella H.(3)
- Basic Transcription Factor(2)
- BATF(2)
- Bax(2)
- Beta 2 Microglobulin(3)
- BID(4)
- Biglycan(3)
- Bridging Integrator(2)
- Bromodomain Containing(3)
- Cadherin(8)
- Calbindin(4)
- Calcium Binding Protein(30)
- Calmodulin(4)
- Calpain(2)
- Calponin(2)
- Calreticulin(2)
- Calumenin(2)
- Candida Albicans(4)
- Canopy FGF Signaling Regulator(3)
- Capping Protein(2)
- Caspase Recruitment Domain Family(2)
- CCR4-NOT Transcription Complex(2)
- CEA(9)
- CEBP(2)
- Cell Division Cycle(5)
- Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein(2)
- Centrin(3)
- Centromere Protein(7)
- Charged Multivesicular Body Protein(3)
- Chloride Intracellular Channel(2)
- Chromatin Modifying Protein(4)
- Chromobox(3)
- Chromogranin(6)
- Chromosome Open Reading Frame(17)
- Clathrin(2)
- Coagulation Factors(7)
- Cofilin(2)
- Coiled-Coil Domain(9)
- Collagen(16)
- COMM Domain Containing(4)
- Complement Component(55)
- COP9 Signalosome(3)
- C-Reactive Protein(6)
- Crystallin(13)
- C-type Lectin Domain(11)
- CUE Domain Containing(2)
- Cystatin(25)
- Cysteine-Rich(2)
- Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein(3)
- Cytochrome(9)
- Cytohesin(4)
- Cytokeratin(14)
- DCUN1D(3)
- DEAD Box Protein(2)
- Decorin(3)
- Density Lipoprotein(8)
- Developmental Pluripotency Associated(3)
- Dickkopf-Related Protein(7)
- DiGeorge Syndrome Critical Region(2)
- DNA-Damage Protein(7)
- Dynactin(4)
- Dynein Light Chain(7)
- Dysbindin(2)
- Ectodysplasin(4)
- Elongator Acetyltransferase Complex(2)
- Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein(3)
- Endothelial Cell-Specific Molecule 1(4)
- EPH Receptor(6)
- Ephrin(13)
- ERCC(1)
- Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor(21)
- Exosome Component(6)
- FABP(28)
- Family with Sequence Similarity(8)
- F-Box Protein(1)
- Ferritin(3)
- Fibrinogen(3)
- Fibronectin Type III Domain Containing(2)
- Four And A Half LIM(2)
- Fragile Histidine Triad(2)
- G Antigen(3)
- GABA(A) Receptor-Associated Protein(3)
- Gastrokine(3)
- GDP Dissociation Inhibitor(2)
- General Transcription Factor(6)
- GIPC PDZ Domain(2)
- Gliadin(3)
- Glycophorin(3)
- Glycoprotein Nmb(3)
- Glypican(3)
- Gremlin(2)
- GTPase IMAP Family(2)
- GTP-Binding Protein(2)
- Guanine Nucleotide Binding Protein(11)
- Hairy and Enhancer of Split(2)
- Haptoglobin(5)
- Heat Shock Protein(66)
- Hematological And Neurological Expressed(2)
- Hemoglobin(8)
- Hemopexin(3)
- High-Mobility Group(8)
- HINT(2)
- HLA(8)
- HNRNP(3)
- Hypoxia-Inducible Factor(3)
- IMPAD1(4)
- Ig Heavy Chain Constant Region(7)
- Inhibitor of DNA Binding(2)
- Inhibitor of Growth Family(2)
- Integrin(52)
- Intercellular Adhesion Molecule(9)
- Junctional Adhesion Molecule(3)
- Karyopherin(2)
- KCTD(4)
- Killer Cell(8)
- Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor(9)
- Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene(2)
- Kruppel-Like Factor(6)
- Lactoferrin(3)
- LBP(3)
- Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin(3)
- Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor(3)
- LIN Protein(5)
- Listeriolysin(2)
- LRG1(3)
- Lymphocyte Antigen(3)
- Lysosomal-Associated Membrane Protein(3)
- MAD2(2)
- MAF(3)
- Mago-Nashi Homolog(2)
- Maltose Binding Protein(3)
- Mediator Complex(5)
- Melanoma Antigen Family A(8)
- Member RAS Oncogene Family(40)
- Mesoderm Development Candidate(2)
- Methylmalonic Aciduria(2)
- MHC class I chain-related gene(3)
- Microfibrillar Associated Protein(4)
- Microtubule-Associated Protein(8)
- Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein(8)
- Mitochondrial Transcription Factor(2)
- Mortality Factor(2)
- Myelin Basic Protein(1)
- Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein(4)
- Myoglobin(4)
- Myosin Light Chain(12)
- Myxovirus(3)
- NANOG(4)
- NCK Adaptor Protein(2)
- Nescient Helix Loop Helix(2)
- Neuronal Calcium Sensor(2)
- Neutrophil Cytosolic Factor(2)
- NFKB Inhibitor(5)
- NHP2(2)
- N-Myc Downstream Regulated(3)
- Non-Metastatic Cells(7)
- NPM(2)
- NTF2-like Export Factor(1)
- Nucleobindin(2)
- Nucleopurin(2)
- Nucleosome Assembly Protein(2)
- Orosomucoid(5)
- Other(755)
- Outer Membrane Protein(1)
- p53(20)
- Paired Box(2)
- Parkinson Disease Protein(3)
- Parvalbumin(2)
- PCNA(2)
- PDZ Domain Containing(2)
- Pentraxin(3)
- Peroxisomal Biogenesis Factor(2)
- PHD Finger Protein(2)
- Phosducin-Like(2)
- Phosphatase and Tensin(1)
- Phospholipid Scramblase(2)
- PIH1 Domain Containing(2)
- Pim Oncogene(2)
- PITPN(2)
- Polymerase (RNA) (DNA directed) Polypeptide(7)
- Prefoldin(5)
- Pregnancy Specific Beta-1-Glycoprotein(4)
- Prion Protein(2)
- Processing Of Precursor(2)
- Profilin(4)
- Programmed Cell Death(8)
- Prohibitin(2)
- Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin(1)
- Protein C-Ets(2)
- Protein Phosphatase(2)
- Prothymosin(2)
- RAD51(9)
- RAN Binding Protein(2)
- Ras-Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate(5)
- RASSF(2)
- Receptor Activity-Modifying Protein(2)
- Regenerating Islet-Derived(4)
- Regulator of Calcineurin(3)
- Regulator of G-Protein Signaling(9)
- Related RAS Viral (r-ras) Oncogene(2)
- Relaxin(3)
- Renin(5)
- Reticulocalbin(2)
- Retinoblastoma(3)
- Retinoic Acid Early Transcript(6)
- Retinoic Acid Receptor Responder(4)
- Rho Family GTPase(2)
- Rho GDP Dissociation Inhibitor(2)
- Ribosomal Protein(30)
- Ring Finger Protein(5)
- RNA Binding Motif Protein(3)
- R-Spondin(4)
- RWD Domain Containing(2)
- Sclerostin(3)
- SDHAF(2)
- Secretagogin(2)
- Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein(6)
- Secretoglobin(4)
- Secretogranin(2)
- Selectin(7)
- Selenoprotein(2)
- Septin(3)
- Serglycin(2)
- Serine Peptidase Inhibitor(3)
- Serpin(27)
- SERTA Domain Containing(2)
- SH2 Domain(2)
- SH3 Domain(6)
- Signal Recognition Particle(2)
- Signal Sequence Receptor(3)
- Signal-Regulatory Protein(6)
- Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein(2)
- Sirtuin(35)
- SLAM Family(5)
- SMAD(3)
- SNRP(15)
- Solute Carrier Family(3)
- Sorting Nexin(2)
- SPSB(1)
- sRAGE(3)
- SRY (Sex Determining Region Y)-Box(3)
- Stathmin(4)
- STIP(3)
- Streptavidin Proteins(5)
- Superoxide Dismutase(36)
- Surfeit(2)
- Synaptobrevin(11)
- Synaptosomal Associated Protein(5)
- Synaptotagmin(5)
- Syndecan(5)
- Syntaxin(10)
- Synuclein(7)
- Tachykinin(2)
- TAR DNA(4)
- TBC1 Domain Family(2)
- TCL(2)
- THAP Domain(4)
- Thioredoxin(15)
- TIGAR(3)
- Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor(3)
- TNF receptor-Associated Factor(2)
- Toll Like Receptor(1)
- Trafficking Protein Particle Complex(4)
- Transcription Elongation Factor(9)
- Transferrin(3)
- Transforming Growth Factor Beta Induced(5)
- Transgelin(2)
- Translocase Of Outer Mitochondrial Membrane(2)
- Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells(2)
- Tripartite Motif(4)
- Tropomyosin(3)
- Troponin(16)
- TROVE Domain Family(3)
- Trypsin(4)
- TTC(3)
- Tubulin Folding Cofactor(5)
- Tubulin Gamma(2)
- U6 Small Nuclear RNA(5)
- Ubiquinol-Cytochrome C Reductase(3)
- Ubiquitin(16)
- UCHL1(4)
- UL16 binding protein(7)
- Uroplakin(2)
- Vacuolar Protein Sorting(7)
- Vascular cell adhesion molecule(5)
- V-crk Sarcoma Virus CT10(2)
- Vimentin(3)
- Visinin-Like Protein(2)
- V-ral Simian Leukemia Viral Oncogene(3)
- WAP Four-Disulfide Core Domain(2)
- Y. Enterocolitica(8)
- Zinc Finger(16)
- Default Categoryobox(9)
- Default Categoryr Homolog(3)
- MOB1(2)
- POU Class(4)
- Protein-A(24)
- SIX Default Categoryobox(2)
- Synovial Sarcoma(2)
- Mps One Binder Kinase Activator(2)
- X Breakpoint(2)
- TROP2(1)
- AIM2(1)
- p62(3)
- Transferrin Receptor(1)
- Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
RVG Peptide (trifluoroacetate salt)
Rabies Virus Glycoprotein; Rabies Virus Glycoprotein 29; RABV-G; RVG29
RVG Peptide (trifluoroacetate salt)是一种烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)拮抗剂(对人类受体的IC50=2.5μM)。 -
Rheic Acid-13C6
Rhein-13C6旨在用作GC或LC-MS定量大黄酸的内标。 -
2-Methylbutyrylcarnitine chloride
2-Methylbutyrylcarnitine chloride是一种肠道微生物代谢产物,与血小板中的整合素α2β1结合,增强细胞质磷脂酶A2(cPLA2)的活化和血小板的过度反应性。
YTK-105是p62 ZZ结构域的配体。
维妥组单抗; IMMU-106; hA20
Veltuzumab (IMMU-106)是一种人源抗cd20单克隆抗体。 -
cRGDfK-thioacetyl ester TFA
cRGDfK-thioacetyl ester TFA是一种生物活性多肽分子。cRGDfK肽对整合素具有选择性亲和力。cRGDfK肽可以修饰用于癌症靶向成像的NIR荧光探针。
Synstatin (92-119)
Synstatin (92-119)是一种抑制血管生成和癌细胞侵袭的抗肿瘤药物。 -
A20FMDV2是一种选择性αvβ6整合素抑制剂(IC50: 3 nM),对αvβ6的选择性比其他rgd定向整合素(αvβ3, αvβ5和α5β1)高1000倍。
Obtustatin triacetate
Obtustatin triacetate是一种41个残基的非RGD解整合素。
Fumagilin-105是一种靶向自噬的嵌合体(AUTOTAC),可诱导HEK293细胞中MetAP2的p62自寡聚,其DC50值为0.7 μM。
TfR-1-IN-1(化合物C4)是一种具有抗癌活性的转铁蛋白受体1 (TfR-1)抑制剂。
Sirtuin-1 inhibitor 1
Sirtuin-1 inhibitor 1(化合物8)是Sirtuin-1的抑制剂,在肥胖诱导的糖尿病和衰老相关疾病中起着重要作用。
BT200 sodium
BT200 sodium,适配体BT100的聚乙二醇化形式,抑制von Willebrand因子(VWF)与血小板糖蛋白GPIb的结合,预防动脉血栓形成。
Antitumor agent-81
Antitumor agent-81(化合物5a)是一种低细胞毒性的P62-RNF168激动剂,可增强P62和RNF168之间的相互作用。
ODN A151 sodium
ODN TTAGGG sodium,抑制性寡核苷酸(ODN),是一种TLR9, AIM2和cGAS拮抗剂。 -
Datopotamab deruxtecan
DS-1062; Dato-DXd
Datopotamab deruxtecan (ds - 1062;Dato-DXd是一种滋养细胞表面抗原2 (TROP2)导向的抗体-药物偶联物(ADC)。 -
Fisetin quarterhydrate
Fisetin quarterhydrate是一种天然黄酮醇,存在于许多水果和蔬菜中,具有各种益处,如抗氧化,抗癌,神经保护作用。
Egaptivon pegol sodium
Egaptivon pegol sodium是一种适体,可阻断血管性血友病因子(VWF)与血小板GPIb受体的结合。
Tanshindiol C
Tanshindiol C是一种S-腺苷甲硫氨酸竞争性EZH2(组蛋白甲基转移酶)抑制剂,抑制甲基转移酶活性的IC50为0.55μM。
Fradafiban hydrochloride
Fradafiban hydrochloride是一种非肽血小板糖蛋白IIb/IIIa拮抗剂,其以148nM的Kd值与人血小板GP IIb/IIIb复合物结合。
苎烯; (±)-柠檬烯; LIMONENE; Dipentene; Cinene; Cajeputene; DL-Limonene; Kautschin; Dipenten; Eulimen; Nesol; p-Mentha-1,8-diene; 1,8-p-Menthadiene; Cajeputen; Limonen; Cinen; Inactive limonene; Acintene DP dipentene; 1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)cyclohexene
Tat-Gap 19 (trifluoroacetate salt)
Tat-Gap 19是一种连接蛋白43(Cx43)半通道的肽抑制剂。它由HIV-1 Tat蛋白转导域和与Cx43残基128-136相对应的九个氨基酸肽链组成。
JAK Inhibitor 31
Janus-Associated Kinase Inhibitor 31
Xylazine-d6 (CRM)
Tiopronin-Cysteine Disulfide
α-Mercaptopropionylglycine-Cysteine Disulfide
2,6-Xylidine-d6 (hydrochloride)
2,6-Dimethylaniline-d6, 2,6-DMA-d6
SRT 1720 dihydrochloride
SRT 1720 dihydrochloride 是选择性的和具有口服活性的 SIRT1 激活剂,EC50 为 0.10 μM,对 SIRT2 和 SIRT3 的作用较弱。
SPH3127 (DRI 18) 是一种新型的、高度有效的、且具有口服活性的 direct renin 抑制剂 (recombinant human-renin IC50=0.4 nM,human plasma renin activity IC50=0.45 nM)。SPH3127 具有抗高血压作用,可用于高血压的研究。
SIRT5 inhibitor 3
SIRT5 inhibitor 3 (compound 46) 是一种有效且具有竞争性的 SIRT5 抑制剂,IC50 为 5.9 μM。SIRT5 inhibitor 3 可抑制 SIRT5 去乙酰化。SIRT5 inhibitor 3 可用于癌症和神经退行性疾病的研究。
SIRT1-IN-2 (compound 3h) 是一种有效且选择性的 SIRT1 (沉默信息调节因子1)抑制剂,其IC50 为 1.6 μM。
(R/S)-Alicaforsen 是由R和S构型组成的 Alicaforsen 的消旋体。Alicaforsen是一种20个碱基长度的反义寡核苷酸,抑制 ICAM-1 的产生,ICAM-1 是一种重要的粘附分子,参与白细胞向炎症部位迁移和转运的过程。 -
Orbofiban acetate
Orbofiban acetate是一种口服活性血小板膜糖蛋白IIb/IIIa拮抗剂,抑制血小板聚集。
BI-RR 0001; Anti-Human IL6 Recombinant Antibody
Enlimomab (BI-RR 0001) 是一种针对人 ICAM-1 的小鼠 IgG2a 单抗,可抑制白细胞粘附到血管内皮,从而减少白细胞外渗漏和炎症性组织损伤。Enlimomab 具有抗炎作用,可用于中风研究。 -
EMD527040 是一种高效和高选择性的 αvβ6 拮抗剂,具有抗纤维化活性。EMD527040 可用于肝癌和肝纤维化研究。
Efalizumab 是一种靶向 T 细胞的调节剂,是 LFA-1 α 亚基 CD11a 的人源化单克隆抗体。依法珠单抗可抑制 T 细胞激活、皮肤T细胞运输和T细胞粘附到角质形成细胞,可用于斑块银屑病研究。
E1231 是一种具有口服有效的 Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) (EC50=0.83 μM) 激活剂,可调节胆固醇和脂质代谢。E1231 与 SIRT1 和脱乙酰肝 X 受体-α (LXRα) 相互作用,并增加 ATP 结合盒转运蛋白 A1 (ABCA1) 的表达。E1231 还可以减少 ApoE-/- 小鼠模型中动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成。E1231 可用于胆固醇和脂质紊乱相关疾病的研究。 -
Cyclo(Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Cys) TFA
Cyclo(RGDfC) TFA
Cyclo(Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Cys) (Cyclo RGDfC) TFA 是一种对 αvβ3 具有高亲和力的环状 RGD 多肽,能够破坏细胞整合素相互作用。Cyclo(Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Cys) TFA 抑制胚胎干细胞 (ESC) 的多能性基因表达,并在体内抑制 mESC 的致瘤潜力。Cyclo(Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Cys) TFA 可用于肿瘤相关的研究。