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Viral Antigens(病毒抗原)

A viral Antigen is an antigen with multiple antigenicities that is protein in nature, strain-specific, and closely associated with the virus particle. A viral antigen is a protein encoded by the viral genome.A viral protein is an antigen specified by the viral genome that can be detected by a specific immunological response.

Viruses are infectious pathogens that cause serious diseases & major threats for global public health, such as influenza, hepatitis, & AIDS. Virus is a sub-micrometer particle that has DNA or RNA packed in a shell called capsid. Viral antigens protrude from the capsid and often fulfill important function in docking to the host cell, fusion, and injection of viral DNA/RNA. Antibody-based immune responses form a first layer of protection of the host from viral infection; however, in many cases a vigorous cellular immune response mediated by T-cells and NK-cells is required for effective viral clearance. When cellular immunity is unable to clear the virus, the infection can become chronic, and serum antibodies to the viral pathogen are used as first indicator for the diagnosis of the disease.

ELISAs provide a valuable tool in the detection and diagnosis of virus infection. The ability to produce recombinant viral proteins will ensure that future ELISAs are safe, specific and rapid. Even when a virus cannot be cultured, provided gene sequence is available, it is possible to rapidly respond to emerging viruses and new viral strains of existing pathogens.

Recombinant viral antigens contain part of viral sequence meaning that the recombinant antigen contains a region which can be recognized by different antibodies produced by different individuals. This reduces the risk of false negatives which can occur with synthetic peptides, which contain only a small portion of the entire protein. If an individual infected with a viral antigen makes antibodies to a part of the protein not included in the synthetic peptides, a false negative results.

Recombinant viral protein usually contains a fusion protein/partner which produces superior attachment to assay surfaces such as wells. For this reason, smaller amounts of recombinant protein will produce the same results as larger amounts of unfused protein. The choice of fusion partner prevents false positives, allowing superior adhesion without incorrect results.

Recombinant Viral proteins are expressed in bacteria, yeast, mammalian cells, and viruses. E. Coli cells were first to be used for this purpose but the expressed proteins were not glycosylated, which was a major drawback since many of the immunogenic proteins of viruses such as the envelope glycoproteins, were glycosylated. Nevertheless, in many instances, it was demonstrated that the non-glycosylated protein backbone was just as immunogenic. The obvious advantage of recombinant viral antigens is that they are available in unlimited quantities and the production and quality control processes is simple.

Advantages of defined using recombinant viral antigens:
1. Production and quality control is simple.
2. No nucleic acids or other viral or external proteins, therefore less toxic.
3. Safer in cases where viruses are oncogenic or establish a persistent infection.
4. Feasible even if virus cannot be cultivated

1. May be less immunogenic than conventional inactivated whole-virus vaccines.
2. Requires adjuvant .
3. Fails to elicit CMI.

Facts about Viral Antigens:
1. A Viral Protein Mimics its Way into cells.
2. Viral Protein Helps Infected T Cells Stick To Uninfected Cells.
3. The Viral Protein A238L Inhibits Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression through a Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cell-dependent Trans-activation Pathway.
4. Viral Protein is an effective preventative against ear infection.
5. HIV-1 Viral Protein R Induces Apoptosis via a Direct Effect on the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore.
6. The Level of Viral Antigen Presented by Hepatocytes Influences CD8 T-Cell Function.
7. Antigen-presenting cells from calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus, a member of the Flaviviridae, are not compromised in their ability to present viral antigen.
8. There is a difference in the distribution and spread of a viral antigen, development of lesions and correlation between presence of viral antigen and lesions.
9. The absence of viral antigens on the surface of equine herpesvirus-1-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells is a strategy to avoid complement-mediated lysis.
10. Viral Protein Influences Key Cell-signaling Pathway.
11. A viral protein produced by cancer-causing virus influences a key signaling pathway in the immune cells that the virus infects. This stimulates the cells to divide, helping the virus spread through the body.
12. Protection by recombinant viral proteins against a respiratory virulent avian metapneumovirus has been achieved.
13. Viral O-acetylesterases are found in influenza C viruses and Corona-viruses. Viral O-acetylesterases remove cellular receptors from the surface of target cells which destroys the receptor. Recombinant viral O-acetylesterases derived from Sf9 insect cells as chimeric proteins fused to eGFP specifically hydrolyze 9-O-acetylated sialic acids, while that of sialodacryoadenitis virus, a rat coronavirus related to mouse hepatitis virus, is specific for 4-O-acetylated sialic acid. The recombinant esterases were shown to specifically de-O-acetylate sialic acids on glycoconjugates. The recombinant viral proteins can be used to unambiguously identify O-acetylated acids.

Products for  Viral Antigens

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC48546 Emeguisin A A fungal metabolite
  3. GC48520 Betulonaldehyde


    A pentacyclic triterpenoid
  4. GC48446 Betulin 3,28-diacetate

    桦木脑二乙酸,Betulin 3,28-diacetate

    A triterpene with antiviral and hepatoprotective activities
  5. GC50716 K 22 An antiviral agent
  6. GC48265 Zanamivir-13C,15N2


    An internal standard for the quantification of zanamivir
  7. GC48231 Urumin (trifluoroacetate salt) A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  8. GC48220 Umifenovir-d6 (hydrochloride)

    盐酸阿比朵尔 d6 (盐酸盐)

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  9. GC48101 SSAA09E1 A SARS-CoV entry inhibitor
  10. GC48036 Remdesivir-d4


    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  11. GC47791 Noracronycine

    NSC 103005

    An alkaloid with antimalarial activity
  12. GC47735 N-acetyl Desethylchloroquine-d4

    N-acetyl-(mono) Desethylchloroquine

    An internal standard for the quantification of N-acetyl desethylchloroquine
  13. GC47523 K-41 A fungal metabolite with antibiotic and antiparasitic activities
  14. GC47452 Imatinib-d3

    STI571-d3 hydrochloride; CGP-57148B-d3 hydrochloride

    An internal standard for the quantification of imatinib
  15. GC47445 Hydroxychloroquine-d4 (sulfate)

    HCQ-d4 sulfate

    An internal standard for the quantification of hydroxychloroquine
  16. GC47195 Desethylchloroquine-d4


    An internal standard for the quantification of desethylchloroquine
  17. GC47193 Desethyl Hydroxychloroquine-d4


    An internal standard for the quantification of desethyl hydroxychloroquine
  18. GC47142 Cycloguanil-d6 (hydrochloride)

    环氯胍盐酸盐 d6 (盐酸盐)

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  19. GC47139 Cycloaspeptide A A fungal metabolite
  20. GC47119 Colletodiol


    A fungal metabolite with immunosuppressive and antiviral activities
  21. GC47062 CAY10766 An antiviral compound
  22. GC46922 Betamethasone 21-phosphate (sodium salt hydrate) A synthetic glucocorticoid
  23. GC46915 Bendiocarb


    A broad-spectrum carbamate insecticide
  24. GC46910 Beauvericin A A cyclodepsipeptide with diverse biological activities
  25. GC46895 Aurintricarboxylic Acid (ammonium salt)


    A protein synthesis inhibitor with diverse biological activities
  26. GC46882 Artemisinin-d3

    Qinghaosu-d3; NSC 369397-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of artemisinin
  27. GC46881 Artemether-d3

    蒿甲醚-D3,Dihydroqinghaosu methyl ether-d3; Dihydroartemisinin methyl ether-d3; SM224-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of artemether
  28. GC46753 9(S),12(S),13(S)-TriHOME

    (-)-Pinellic Acid, 9S,12S,13S-Pinellic Acid

    An oxylipin
  29. GC46705 5-Methoxycanthinone


    An alkaloid with anticancer properties
  30. GC46404 10-Norparvulenone


    A fungal metabolite
  31. GC61284 Soyasaponin II


  32. GC61240 Remdesivir O-desphosphate acetonide impurity


    An intermediate in the synthesis of remdesivir
  33. GC61171 Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (W/W 43%) 



  34. GC61168 Peldesine

    BCX 34

  35. GC61134 Nigranoic acid Nigranoicacid是五味子中分离得到的一种三萜类化合物。Nigranoicacid能抑制HIV-1逆转录酶。在脑缺血再灌注动物模型中,Nigranoicacid通过PARP/AIF信号通路保护大脑。
  36. GC61071 MK-0608 MK-0608是一种有效的HCV复制抑制剂,在亚基因组复制子测定中,EC50为0.3μM(EC90=1.3μM)。
  37. GC60978 L-Chicoric Acid

    L-菊苣酸; (-)-Chicoric acid; trans-Caffeoyltartaric acid

    A dicaffeoyl ester with diverse biological activities
  38. GC60840 FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride FGI-106tetrahydrochloride是一种有效的广谱抑制剂,对多种病毒具有抑制活性。FGI-106tetrahydrochloride具有抗埃博拉病毒(EBOV),裂谷病毒(RiftValleyvirus)和登革热病毒(DengueFevervirus)的活性,其EC50分别为100nM,800nM和400-900nM。FGI-106tetrahydrochloride还分别以EC50值为200nM和150nM抑制非失血性发热病毒HCV和HIV-1。
  39. GC60700 Chloroquine D5

    氯喹 d5

    An internal standard for the quantification of chloroquine
  40. GC60617 AZT triphosphate TEA

    3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate TEA

  41. GC60616 AZT triphosphate



  42. GC60344 Sparstolonin B An isocoumarin with diverse biological activities
  43. GC60047 Amphotericin B methyl ester


    A polyene antiviral and antifungal agent
  44. GC39814 Mitoguazone

    米托瓜酮; Methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone); MGBG; Methyl-GAG

    Mitoguazone (Methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone)) 是一种具有有效抗肿瘤活性的合成多羰基衍生物。Mitoguazone 是一种可透过血脑屏障的竞争性的 S-腺苷-蛋氨酸脱羧酶 (S-adenosyl-methionine decarboxylase) 抑制剂,可破坏多胺的生物合成。Mitoguazone 诱导细胞凋亡 (apoptosis),可抑制 HIV DNA 整合到单核细胞和巨噬细胞中的细胞 DNA 中。Mitoguazone 具可用于急性白血病,霍奇金淋巴瘤和非霍奇金淋巴瘤的研究。
  45. GC39739 Bz-RS-iSer(3-Ph)-OMe


    Bz-RS-ISer(3-Ph)-Ome is a chemical.
  46. GC39734 Diphyllin


    A lignan with diverse biological activities
  47. GC39642 SARS-CoV-IN-2 SARS-CoV-IN-2 是一种有效的 SARS-CoV 复制抑制剂。在 Vero 细胞中,SARS-CoV-IN 1 抗冠状病毒,EC50 为 1.9 μM。SARS-CoV-IN-2 抑制 P. falciparum 3D7 和 W2 株,IC50 分别为 21.5 和 30 nM;IC90 分别为 51.0 和 99.9 nM。在 MT-4 细胞中,SARS-CoV-IN-2 降低 HIV-1 诱导的细胞病变,EC50 为 2.9 μM。具有抗疟和抗病毒活性。
  48. GC39563 SARS-CoV-IN-3 SARS-CoV-IN-3 是一种有效的 SARS-CoV 复制抑制剂。在 Vero 细胞中,SARS-CoV-IN-3 抗冠状病毒,EC50 为 3.6 μM。SARS-CoV-IN-3 抑制 P. falciparum 3D7 和 W2 株,IC50 分别为 11.7 和 20.4 nM; IC90 分别为 29.19 和 56 nM。在 MT-4 细胞中,SARS-CoV-IN-3 降低 HIV-1 诱导的细胞病变,EC50 为 10 μM。具有抗疟和抗病毒活性。
  49. GC39526 Azulene

    甘菊蓝; Cyclopentacycloheptene

    Azulene (Cyclopentacycloheptene) 是萘的异构体,具有高抗 HIV 活性。Azulene 是从洋甘菊精油中分离出来的,在药物化学中是一种支架。
  50. GC39318 DSHS00884


    DSHS00884 是有效的人乳头瘤病毒 E6 抑制剂,IC50 为 10 μM。
  51. GC39238 BRD-K98645985 BRD-K98645985 是一类 12 元大环内酰胺,也是一种 BAF (Brg/Brahma-associated factors) 转录阻遏的抑制剂,EC50 为 ~2.37 µM。BRD-K98645985 结合 ARID1A 特异的 BAF 复合物,防止核小体定位,并有效逆转 HIV-1 潜伏期,并且无 T 细胞毒性。

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