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Gastric Disease(胃病)

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC92130 Elsiglutide (acetate) Elsiglutide (acetate)是胰高血糖素样肽2 GLP-2的肽衍生物。
  3. GC91986 Allolithocholic Acid-d4

    3α-hydroxy-5α-Cholanoic Acid-d4; allo-LCA-d4

    Allolithocholic Acid-d4旨在用作GC或LC-MS定量异石胆酸的内标。
  4. GC91985 Alloisolithocholic Acid-d4

    AILCA-d4; AlloisoLCA-d4; β-hydroxy-5-Cholenoic Acid-d4; IsoalloLCA-d4; Isoallolithocholic Acid-d4

    Alloisolithocholic Acid-d4用于GC-或LC-MS定量别异石胆酸的内标。
  5. GC91913 NS 3861 NS 3861是一种神经元烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)激动剂。
  6. GC91909 Fenoprofen-13C6 (sodium salt hydrate) Fenoprofen-13C6 (sodium salt hydrate)旨在用作通过GC或LC-MS定量非诺洛芬的内标。
  7. GC91449 Ipamorelin (acetate)

    Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2; NNC 26-0161

  8. GC91406 UK 122 (trifluoroacetate salt) UK 122是一种尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂(uPA)抑制剂(IC50 = 0.2 uM)。它选择性地作用于uPA,而不影响组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tPA)、胰蛋白酶、纤溶酶和凝血酶(所有的IC50均大于100uM)。
  9. GC91083 Tiopronin-Cysteine Disulfide

    α-Mercaptopropionylglycine-Cysteine Disulfide


  10. GC90701 CAY10795

    15-PGDH Inhibitor, 15-hydroxy Prostaglandin Dehydrogenase Inhibitor


  11. GC90630 CRAMP (140-173) (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Cathelicidin-related Antimicrobial Peptide, Cathelin-related Antimicrobial Peptide, mCRAMP


  12. GC52413 5-Aminosalicylic Acid-d7

    5-ASA-d7, Mesalamine-d7, Mesalazine-d7

    An internal standard for the quantification of 5-aminosalicylic acid
  13. GC52384 NFAT Inhibitor (cell-permeable) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Nuclear Factor Activated T cells Inhibitor, RRRRRRRRRRRGGGMAGPHPVIVITGPHEE, 11R-VIVIT

    A cell-permeable form of NFAT inhibitor
  14. GC52378 Cecropin A (trifluoroacetate salt) An antimicrobial peptide
  15. GC52283 L-Cysteine-15N-d3

    L-Cys-15N-d3, L-(+)-Cysteine-15N-d3, (R)-Cysteine-15N-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of L-cysteine
  16. GC52180 WAY-169916 A pathway-selective estrogen receptor ligand
  17. GC52133 12-Tridecenoic Acid


    A monounsaturated fatty acid
  18. GC52119 Lansoprazole sulfone N-oxide


    A potential impurity found in commercial preparations of lansoprazole
  19. GC49876 Pantoprazole N-oxide


    A potential impurity found in bulk preparations of pantoprazole
  20. GC49849 3-Aminosalicylic Acid


    A salicylic acid derivative
  21. GC49780 Omeprazole N-oxide


    A metabolite of omeprazole
  22. GC49692 Tofacitinib-d3 (citrate)

    Tasocitinib-d3 citrate; CP-690550-d3 citrate

    An internal standard for the quantification of tofacitinib
  23. GC49676 6β-hydroxy Budesonide A metabolite of budesonide
  24. GC49663 Pantoprazole sulfone N-oxide


    A potential impurity found in bulk preparations of pantoprazole
  25. GC49575 4-hydroxy Omeprazole sulfide


    A metabolite of omeprazole
  26. GC49401 Triptolide-d3


    Triptolide-d3 (PG490-d3) 是氘标记的雷公藤内酯。雷公藤内酯是从雷公藤根中提取的二萜类三环氧化物,具有免疫抑制、抗炎、抗增殖和抗肿瘤作用。雷公藤内酯是一种 NF-κB 活化抑制剂。
  27. GC49393 all-trans-13,14-Dihydroretinol A metabolite of all-trans retinoic acid
  28. GC49313 Picosulfate (sodium salt hydrate)


    A stimulant laxative and prodrug form of desacetyl bisacodyl
  29. GC49275 8-Oxycoptisine


    An isoquinoline alkaloid with anticancer and gastroprotective activities
  30. GC49227 Stachyose (hydrate)


    An oligosaccharide and prebiotic
  31. GC49186 O-Demethyl Apremilast


    An active metabolite of apremilast
  32. GC49098 Olsalazine-13C6 An internal standard for the quantification of olsalazine
  33. GC49062 Tiopronin-d3


    An internal standard for the quantification of tiopronin
  34. GC49032 Taurohyodeoxycholic Acid MaxSpec® Standard


    A quantitative analytical standard guaranteed to meet MaxSpec identity, purity, stability, and concentration specifications
  35. GC48984 Esomeprazole

    埃索美拉唑镁,(S)-Omeprazole; (-)-Omeprazole

    An H+/K+-ATPase inhibitor
  36. GC48839 Nifuroxazide-d4

    硝呋齐特 d4

    An internal standard for the quantification of nifuroxazide
  37. GC48790 Ticlopidine-d4 (hydrochloride)

    盐酸噻氯匹定 d4 (盐酸盐)

    An internal standard for the quantification of ticlopidine
  38. GC48452 Taurocholic Acid-d4 MaxSpec® Standard


    A quantitative analytical standard guaranteed to meet MaxSpec identity, purity, stability, and concentration specifications
  39. GC48374 Saikosaponin D (hydrate) A triterpene saponin with diverse biological activities
  40. GC48362 PMX-205 (trifluoroacetate salt) A potent antagonist of C5aR
  41. GC48360 WKYMVm (trifluoroacetate salt)


    A synthetic peptide agonist of FPR1 and FPR2
  42. GC48336 Tenapanor (hydrochloride)

    TENAPANORHCL(2盐),AZD1722 hydrochloride; RDX5791 hydrochloride

    A NHE-3 inhibitor
  43. GC48206 Trimethylamine-d9 N-oxide

    三甲胺N-氧化物 d9

    An internal standard for the quantification of trimethylamine N-oxide
  44. GC48131 Taurohyodeoxycholic Acid (sodium salt)


    A taurine-conjugated form of hyodeoxycholic acid
  45. GC48128 Taurocholic Acid-d4 (sodium salt)

    牛磺胆酸钠盐,N-Choloyltaurine-d4 sodium

    An internal standard for the quantification of taurocholic acid
  46. GC48051 Rifaximin-d6


    An internal standard for the quantification of rifaximin
  47. GC48044 Resolvin E1-d4

    RvE1d4, 5S,12R,18R-trihydroxy-EPA-d4, 5S,12R,18R-trihydroxy-6Z,8E,10E,14Z,16E-EPA-d4, 5,12,18R-triHEPE-d4

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  48. GC48021 Rabeprazole-d4 (sodium salt) A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  49. GC47855 PAF C-16-d4

    PAF C-16-d4

    An internal standard for the quantification of PAF C-16
  50. GC47826 Omeprazole sulfone-d3

    OMEP sulfone-d3, OMP sulfone-d3, OMZ sulfone-d3

    An internal standard for the quantification of omeprazole sulfone
  51. GC47682 Misoprostol-d5


    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities

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