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Dynamins are large superfamily GTPase proteins that are involved in various cellular processes including budding of transport vesicles, division of organelles, cytokinesis, and pathogen resistance. Dynamins are involved in scission (cleavage of the vesicle from the parent membrane) of nascent vesicles from parent membranes in eukaryotic cells. Dynamins interact directly with the lipid bilayer at the necks of clathrin-coated pits to sever and release coated vesicles. Dynamins contain five domains, including GTPase domain, middle domain, PH domain, GTPase effector domain (GED), and proline rich domain (PRD), while the dynamin-related proteins (DRPs) lack one or more of these domains or have additional domains. Dynamins and DRPs participate in a wide variety of cellular processes, including budding mitochondrial fission (mammalian Dlp1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dnm1) and fusion (mammalian OPA1, S.cerevisiae Mgm1 and Schizosaccharomycespombe Msp1), vacuolar fission (S. cerevisiae Vps1), interferon-induced anti-viral protection (fish Mx proteins), plant cell cytokinesis and membrane fission (Arabidopsis thalianaDRP proteins), as well as pathogen resistance.

Products for  Dynamin

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC73395 Clathrin-IN-4 Clathrin-IN-4(化合物8b)是一种Wiskostatin类似物,是网格蛋白介导的内吞作用的强效抑制剂,IC50为2.1μM。
  3. GC64927 Drp1-IN-1 Drp1-IN-1 (comp A-7) 是Drp1 蛋白的抑制剂,其IC50 值为0.91 μM。
  4. GC69011 DRP1i27 DRP1i27 是一种有效的人源 Drp1 (动力蛋白相关蛋白 1) 的抑制剂。DRP1i27 与 Drp1 的 GTPase 位点结合,与 Gln34 和 Asp218 形成氢键。DRP1i27 靶向细胞系模型中 Drp1 介导的线粒体裂变,并防止模拟缺血再灌注损伤。
  5. GC73379 DRP1i27 dihydrochloride DRP1i27 dihydrochloride是人Drp1(动力蛋白相关蛋白1)的强效抑制剂。
  6. GC73394 Dynamin IN-1 Dynamin IN-1是一种强效的动力蛋白抑制剂,IC50值为1.0µM。
  7. GC71200 Dynamin IN-2 Dynamin IN-2(化合物43)是Wiskostatin类似物,是一种有效的dynamin抑制剂,对dynamin I GTPase的IC50为1.0 μM。
  8. GC50020 Dynamin inhibitory peptide, myristoylated DynaMin inhibitory peptide, myristoylated 是一种 DynaMin 抑制剂,可干扰两性霉素与 dynamin 的结合。
  9. GC10395 Dynasore Dynasore 作为 GTPase 抑制剂,可以快速、可逆地抑制发动蛋白活性,从而阻止内吞作用。
  10. GC17208 Dyngo-4a


    An inhibitor of dynamin
  11. GC66056 Dynole 2-24 Dynole 2-24 是一种基于吲哚的 dynamin GTPase 抑制剂 (对 dynamin I的IC50=0.56 μM)。Dynole 2-24 无毒,在体外和细胞内显示出增强的抗动力蛋白I和II的效力 (IC??(CME)=1.9 μM)。Dynole 2-24 对 dynamin I的选择性为4.4倍。Dynole 2-24在网格蛋白介导的内吞作用的细胞抑制剂中具有活性。CME: Clathrin mediated endocytosis
  12. GC50574 MB 0223 Dynamin-related GTPase DRP1 partial inhibitor
  13. GC10200 Mdivi 1

    3-(2,4-二氯-5-甲氧基苯基)-2,3-二氢-2-硫代-4(1H)-喹唑啉酮,Mitochondrial division inhibitor 1

    Mdivi-1(线粒体分裂抑制剂 1)抑制创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 诱导的动力蛋白相关蛋白 1 (Drp1) 上调、自噬功能障碍和线粒体自噬激活。
  14. GC50599 P110 Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) inhibitor; cell-permeable
  15. GN10091 Schaftoside


    A flavonoid C-glycoside with diverse biological activities

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