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The immune and inflammation-related pathway including the Toll-like receptors pathway, the B cell receptor signaling pathway, the T cell receptor signaling pathway, etc.

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a central role in host cell recognition and responses to microbial pathogens. TLR4 initially recruits TIRAP and MyD88. MyD88 then recruits IRAKs, TRAF6, and the TAK1 complex, leading to early-stage activation of NF-κB and MAP kinases [1]. TLR4 is endocytosed and delivered to intracellular vesicles and forms a complex with TRAM and TRIF, which then recruits TRAF3 and the protein kinases TBK1 and IKKi. TBK1 and IKKi catalyze the phosphorylation of IRF3, leading to the expression of type I IFN [2].

BCR signaling is initiated through ligation of mIg under conditions that induce phosphorylation of the ITAMs in CD79, leading to the activation of Syk. Once Syk is activated, the BCR signal is transmitted via a series of proteins associated with the adaptor protein B-cell linker (Blnk, SLP-65). Blnk binds CD79a via non-ITAM tyrosines and is phosphorylated by Syk. Phospho-Blnk acts as a scaffold for the assembly of the other components, including Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk), Vav 1, and phospholipase C-gamma 2 (PLCγ2) [3]. Following the assembly of the BCR-signalosome, GRB2 binds and activates the Ras-guanine exchange factor SOS, which in turn activates the small GTPase RAS. The original RAS signal is transmitted and amplified through the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, which including the serine/threonine-specific protein kinase RAF followed by MEK and extracellular signal related kinases ERK 1 and 2 [4]. After stimulation of BCR, CD19 is phosphorylated by Lyn. Phosphorylated CD19 activates PI3K by binding to the p85 subunit of PI3K and produce phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) from PIP2, and PIP3 transmits signals downstream [5].

Central process of T cells responding to specific antigens is the binding of the T-cell receptor (TCR) to specific peptides bound to the major histocompatibility complex which expressed on antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Once TCR connected with its ligand, the ζ-chain–associated protein kinase 70 molecules (Zap-70) are recruited to the TCR-CD3 site and activated, resulting in an initiation of several signaling cascades. Once stimulation, Zap-70 forms complexes with several molecules including SLP-76; and a sequential protein kinase cascade is initiated, consisting of MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K), MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK), and MAP kinase (MAPK) [6]. Two MAPK kinases, MKK4 and MKK7, have been reported to be the primary activators of JNK. MKK3, MKK4, and MKK6 are activators of P38 MAP kinase [7]. MAP kinase pathways are major pathways induced by TCR stimulation, and they play a key role in T-cell responses.

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) binds to the cytosolic domain of CD28, leading to conversion of PIP2 to PIP3, activation of PKB (Akt) and phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1), and subsequent signaling transduction [8].



[1] Kawai T, Akira S. The role of pattern-recognition receptors in innate immunity: update on Toll-like receptors[J]. Nature immunology, 2010, 11(5): 373-384.

[2] Kawai T, Akira S. Toll-like receptors and their crosstalk with other innate receptors in infection and immunity[J]. Immunity, 2011, 34(5): 637-650.

[3] Packard T A, Cambier J C. B lymphocyte antigen receptor signaling: initiation, amplification, and regulation[J]. F1000Prime Rep, 2013, 5(40.10): 12703.

[4] Zhong Y, Byrd J C, Dubovsky J A. The B-cell receptor pathway: a critical component of healthy and malignant immune biology[C]//Seminars in hematology. WB Saunders, 2014, 51(3): 206-218.

[5] Baba Y, Matsumoto M, Kurosaki T. Calcium signaling in B cells: regulation of cytosolic Ca 2+ increase and its sensor molecules, STIM1 and STIM2[J]. Molecular immunology, 2014, 62(2): 339-343.

[6] Adachi K, Davis M M. T-cell receptor ligation induces distinct signaling pathways in naive vs. antigen-experienced T cells[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, 108(4): 1549-1554.

[7] Rincón M, Flavell R A, Davis R A. The Jnk and P38 MAP kinase signaling pathways in T cell–mediated immune responses[J]. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2000, 28(9): 1328-1337.

[8] Bashour K T, Gondarenko A, Chen H, et al. CD28 and CD3 have complementary roles in T-cell traction forces[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(6): 2241-2246.

Products for  Immunology/Inflammation

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC92130 Elsiglutide (acetate) Elsiglutide (acetate)是胰高血糖素样肽2 GLP-2的肽衍生物。
  3. GC92127 Chlorotoxin (trifluoroacetate salt)

    CTX; TM-601

    Chlorotoxin (trifluoroacetate salt)是从蝎L. quinquestriatus的毒液中分离出来的肽。
  4. GC92112 Alsactide (trifluoroacetate salt)

    [β-Ala1,Lys17]ACTH-(1-17)-4-amino-n-butilamide; Hoechst 433

    Alsactide (trifluoroacetate salt)是促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)的肽衍生物,ACTH是一种存在于大脑中的肽激素,参与生物应激反应。
  5. GC92099 MSG606 (trifluoroacetate salt)


    MSG606 (trifluoroacetate salt)是黑皮质素受体1的肽拮抗剂(MC1R;对人类受体的IC50=17 nM)和γ-黑素细胞刺激激素(γ-MSH)的衍生物。
  6. GC92088 GLP-1 (28-36) amide (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (28-36) amide; Phe-Ile-Ala-Trp-Leu-Val-Lys-Gly-Arg-NH2

    胰高血糖素样肽1GLP-1 (28-36) amide (trifluoroacetate salt)是内源性GLP-1R激动剂GLP-1(7-36)酰胺的肽和活性代谢产物。
  7. GC92085 4-O10b1 4-O10b1是一种可电离的阳离子脂质(pKa = 5.148),已被用于生成脂质纳米颗粒(LNPs),用于体外和体内递送siRNA。
  8. GC92074 1,2,3-Trioleoyl Glycerol-d5

    Glyceryl Trioleate-d5; TG(18:1/18:1/18:1)-d5; Triolein-d5

    1,2,3-Trioleoyl Glycerol-d5用于GC-或LC-MS定量1,2,3-三油基甘油的内标。
  9. GC92072 YHS-12 YHS-12是一种可电离的阳离子脂质(pKa=6.506),已用于产生脂质纳米颗粒(LNPs),用于在体外和体内递送siRNA和mRNA。
  10. GC92071 6,6′-Trehalose Dioleate


    6,6′-Trehalose Dioleate(6,6′-TDO)是一种糖脂,已被用于制备脂质纳米粒(LNPs),用于在体外和体内递送mRNA。
  11. GC92067 Lipid N2-3L Lipid N2-3L是一种可电离的阳离子脂质(pKa=8.99),已用于制备包封mRNA的超分子脂质纳米颗粒(SMLNPs),用于体外和体内使用。
  12. GC92066 RMC-6236 RMC-6236是gtp结合RAS的非共价抑制剂。
  13. GC92044 H1L1A1B3 H1L1A1B3是一种可电离的阳离子脂质,已与其他脂质结合用于形成LNP,以在体外和体内递送环状RNA(circRNA)。
  14. GC92043 9(10)-Nitrooleate

    9(10)-Nitrooleic Acid; OA-NO2; 9(10)-nitro-9-trans-Octadecenoic Acid

  15. GC92040 SGC0946 (trifluoroacetate salt) SGC0946 (trifluoroacetate salt)是含非SET结构域的甲基转移酶DOT1L的抑制剂(IC50=0.3nM)。
  16. GC92037 JQKD82 (hydrochloride)

    JADA82; PCK82

    JQKD82 (hydrochloride)是KDM5-C49的前药形式,KDM5-C49是Jumonji AT-rich相互作用结构域1A (JARID1A)的抑制剂,也称为赖氨酸特异性去甲基酶5A (KDM5A)。
  17. GC92023 PTX80 PTX80是p62的拮抗剂(对人受体的IC50=31.18nM)。
  18. GC92022 4-hydroxy Nonenal Glutathione-d3


    4-hydroxy Nonenal Glutathione-d3(4-HNE-GSH-d3)拟用作GC或LC-MS定量4-HNE-谷胱甘肽的内标。
  19. GC92018 N,N′-Diferuloylputrescine

    bis-Ferulamidobutane; (E/Z)-Terrestribisamide

  20. GC92014 PKN3 Inhibitor Compound 16

    Protein Kinase N3 Inhibitor Compound 16

    PKN3 Inhibitor Compound 16是丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶N3的抑制剂(IC50 = 14 nM)。
  21. GC92004 DPTIP (hydrochloride) DPTIP (hydrochloride)是中性鞘磷脂酶2nMase2的抑制剂;IC50=30 nM。
  22. GC92001 PQA-18

    Prenylated Quinolinecarboxylic Acid Compound-18

    PQA-18是p21活化激酶2 (PAK2;IC50 = 10 nM),一种免疫抑制剂,Ppc-1的衍生物。
  23. GC91993 Lavendamycin

    NSC 322370

  24. GC91992 Calcium Influx Inducer Compound 634 Calcium Influx Inducer Compound 634是钙内流的诱导剂。
  25. GC91986 Allolithocholic Acid-d4

    3α-hydroxy-5α-Cholanoic Acid-d4; allo-LCA-d4

    Allolithocholic Acid-d4旨在用作GC或LC-MS定量异石胆酸的内标。
  26. GC91985 Alloisolithocholic Acid-d4

    AILCA-d4; AlloisoLCA-d4; β-hydroxy-5-Cholenoic Acid-d4; IsoalloLCA-d4; Isoallolithocholic Acid-d4

    Alloisolithocholic Acid-d4用于GC-或LC-MS定量别异石胆酸的内标。
  27. GC91977 TrkB Agonist Prodrug R13

    TrkB-IN-1; Tropomyosin-related Kinase B Agonist Prodrug R13; Tropomyosin-related Kinase B Inhibitor 1

    TrkB Agonist Prodrug R13(R13)是原肌球蛋白相关激酶B(TrkB)激活剂7,8-二羟基黄酮的前药形式。
  28. GC91973 Decanoyl-L-carnitine-d9 (chloride)

    CAR 10:0-d9; C10:0 Carnitine-d9; L-Carnitine decanoyl ester-d9; L-Decanoylcarnitine-d9; (-)-Decanoylcarnitine-d9

    Decanoyl-L-carnitine-d9 (chloride)旨在用作通过GC或LC-MS定量癸酰基-L-肉碱的内标。
  29. GC91967 LMTK3 Inhibitor C28

    Lemur Tyrosine Kinase 3-IN-1; Lemur Tyrosine Kinase-IN-C28; Lemur Tyrosine Kinase 3 Inhibitor 1; Lemur Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor C28; LMTK3-IN-1; LMTK3-IN-C28; LMTK3 Inhibitor 1

    LMTK3 Inhibitor C28是一种多激酶抑制剂。
  30. GC91966 Ppc-1 Ppc-1是一种异戊二烯基喹啉羧酸,最初从假念珠菌中分离出来,具有多种生物活性。
  31. GC91962 Actinobolin (hemisulfate) Actinobolin (hemisulfate)是一种在假单胞菌中发现的微生物代谢物,具有抗生素和抗癌活性。
  32. GC91956 SB-02024 SB-02024是液泡蛋白分选34的抑制剂(VPS34;IC50=5nM)。
  33. GC91949 LIBX-A401 LIBX-A401是长链酰基辅酶A合成酶4的抑制剂(ACSL4;IC50=0.38μM)。
  34. GC91947 BH400 BH400是过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α (PPARα)的激动剂和干扰素基因刺激因子抑制剂(STING;Ic50 = 8.1 μm)。
  35. GC91939 Phytantriol Phytantriol是一种脂肪醇,已用于形成液晶纳米颗粒(LCNP)和立方体。
  36. GC91933 E17241


  37. GC91921 Fenclofenac


  38. GC91920 Rhein-13C6

    Rheic Acid-13C6

  39. GC91913 NS 3861 NS 3861是一种神经元烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)激动剂。
  40. GC91911 Napirimus Napirimus是一种免疫抑制剂。
  41. GC91910 Ferroptosis Inhibitor D1 Ferroptosis Inhibitor D1是一种自由基清除剂和铁下垂抑制剂。
  42. GC91909 Fenoprofen-13C6 (sodium salt hydrate) Fenoprofen-13C6 (sodium salt hydrate)旨在用作通过GC或LC-MS定量非诺洛芬的内标。
  43. GC91904 CNBSF

    Chloronitrobenzenesulfonyl Fluoride

    CNBSF是谷胱甘肽s -转移酶π 1-1 (GSTP1-1)和GST α 1-1 (GSTA1;ic50 = 21 μM和1.4 μM)。
  44. GC91887 Methyl Salicylate-d4

    Methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate-d4

    Methyl Salicylate-d4用于GC-或LC-MS定量水杨酸甲酯的内部标准。
  45. GC91884 DSPE-PEG(2000)-Mannose

    1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-PE-Polyethylene Glycol-2000-Mannose; 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine-Polyethylene Glycol-2000-Mannose; 1,2-DSPE-PEG(2000)-Mannose

  46. GC74733 Methoxyamine-d3 Hydrochloride

    O-Methylhydroxylamine-d3 hydrochloride

    Methoxyamine-d3 Hydrochloride (O-Metldroxylamine-d3)是氘标记的甲氧基胺氯。
  47. GC74721 Geraniol-d6 (Major) Geraniol-d6 (Major)是氘代标记的Geraniol Major。
  48. GC74684 Topoisomerase II inhibitor 14 Topoisomerase II inhibitor 14(化合物2f)是拓扑异构酶II的强效抑制剂,具有抗癌活性。
  49. GC74668 3-Methoxy-9H-Carbazole 3-Methoxy-9H-Carbazole诱导caspase-3活性和细胞产生活性氧。
  50. GC74630 TI17 TI17是甲状腺激素受体相互作用蛋白Trip13的抑制剂,具有抗癌活性。
  51. GC74620 Zilovertamab vedotin

    VLS-101; MK-2140

    Zilovertamab vedotin(VLS-101)是一种新型抗体-药物偶联物,其包含人源化单克隆抗体齐洛他单抗和抗微管细胞毒素单体韦多汀。

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