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  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC63268 α-Amyrin palmitate


    α-Amyrin palmitate 是从檀香中分离得到。α-Amyrin palmitate 可以用于关节炎的在体的研究。
  3. GC45198 α-CGRP (8-37) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide-1 (8-37) (human), CGRP-1 (8-37) (human), α-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (8-37) (human)

    An antagonist of CGRP receptors
  4. GC45208 α-hydroxy Metoprolol


    An active metabolite of metoprolol
  5. GC67685 α-Isopropylmalate


    α-Isopropylmalate (α-IPM) 是酵母中的亮氨酸生物合成前体。
  6. GC45210 α-Linolenic Acid (sodium salt)

    ALA, C18:3 (9Z,12Z,15Z), C18:3 n-3

    An essential ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
  7. GC48283 α-Linolenic Acid-d14

    α-亚麻酸 d14

    An internal standard for the quantification of α-Linolenic acid
  8. GC45602 α-Linolenic Acid-d5 MaxSpec• Standard

    α-亚麻酸 d5

    An internal standard for the quantification of α-Linolenic acid
  9. GC65892 α-Methyl-p-tyrosine Racemetyrosine (SM-88, Racemetirosine, DL-alpha-metyrosine, DL-alpha-Methyltyrosine) is a novel anti-cancer agent, used with melanin, phenytoin (a CYP3a4 inducer), and sirolimus (an mTOR inhibitor) (SMK Therapy).
  10. GC63276 β-Cyclocitral


    β-Cyclocitral 是 β-胡萝卜素的挥发性氧化衍生物,是微囊藻特有的掠食性动物防御信号。β-Cyclocitral 是主要的挥发性萜类化合物之一,可以上调防御基因的表达,从而增强过量光照 (EL) 的适应性。β-Cyclocitral 是一种强大的驱虫剂。
  11. GC63277 β-Cyclogeraniol


    β-Cyclogeraniol 是一种天然的气味化合物。
  12. GC45233 β-Endorphin (1-26) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) A neuropeptide
  13. GC70186 γ-Glutamylornithine γ-Glutamylornithine 是 HHH 综合征 (高尿酸血症、高氨血症和高瓜氨酸尿症) 和与高尿酸症相关的回转性萎缩患者的尿液排泄物。内源性鸟氨酸增加会增加 γ-Glutamylornithine 在尿液中的水平。
  14. GC70796 γ-Glutamylserine γ-Glutamylserine(γ-Glu-Ser)是一种钙受体激活剂。
  15. GC63280 γ-Hexalactone

    γ-己内酯; γ-Caprolactone

    γ-caprolactone is well-known as a food flavor and is a biostimulant molecule promoting the growth of bacteria with biocontrol activity against soft-rot pathogens.
  16. GC63281 ω-Pentadecalactone


    ω-Pentadecalactone 是一种香料成分,是香味结构组大环内酯和丙交酯衍生物的成员。
  17. GC70556 ß-pBrPh-Glc β-pBrPh-Glc是一种小分子冰再结晶抑制剂。
  18. GC72801 (±)-Clopidogrel bisulfate


    (±)-Clopidogrel bisulfate是一种抗血小板剂。
  19. GC46289 (±)-Felodipine-d5


    An internal standard for the quantification of felodipine
  20. GC91298 (±)-Linalool-d3



  21. GC46304 (±)-Nebivolol-d4 (hydrochloride) A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  22. GC41677 (±)-SDZ-201 106

    SDZ 201106

    A sodium channel opener
  23. GC67928 (±)-Stylopine hydrochloride

    Tetrahydrocoptisine hydrochloride

    (±)-Stylopine (Tetrahydrocoptisine) hydrochloride 是从紫堇属之植物块茎中分离得到的生物碱类化合物,具有抗炎症和抗寄生虫活性。
  24. GC40466 (±)11(12)-EET


    A racemic version of a CYP450 metabolite of arachidonic acid
  25. GC45922 (±)11(12)-EET-d11 methyl ester

    (±)11,12-EpETrE-d11 methyl ester

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  26. GC40802 (±)12(13)-DiHOME

    Isoleukotoxin diol

    A diol form of (±)12,13-EpOME
  27. GC40539 (±)12(13)-EpOME

    (±)12,13-EODE, Isoleukotoxin, (±)-Vernolic Acid

    The 12,13-cis epoxide form of linoleic acid
  28. GC40434 (±)16-HETE

    (±)16-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid

    A potent inhibitor of proximal tubule ATPase activity
  29. GC40435 (±)17-HETE

    (±)-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid

    A potent inhibitor of proximal tubule ATPase activity
  30. GC40436 (±)18-HETE

    (±)18-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid

    A vasodilator of renal arterioles
  31. GC40440 (±)8(9)-EET


    A racemic version of a CYP450 metabolite of arachidonic acid
  32. GC41665 (±)8(9)-EET Ethanolamide

    (±)8,9-EET Ethanolamide

    A cytochrome P450 metabolite of AEA
  33. GC46264 (±)8(9)-EET-d11

    (±)8,9-EET-d11, (±)8,9-EpETrE-d11

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities
  34. GC40801 (±)9(10)-DiHOME


    A diol form of (±)9(10)-EpOME
  35. GC63999 (+)-Coclaurine hydrochloride

    (+)-(R)-Coclaurine hydrochloride; (R)-Coclaurine hydrochloride; d-Coclaurine hydrochloride

    (+)-Coclaurine ((+)-(R)-Coclaurine) hydrochloride,是一种四氢异喹啉生物碱,从多种植物来源中分离出来,具有抗衰老活性。
  36. GC70265 (+)-EMD 57033 (+)-EMD 57033是心肌肌钙蛋白C cTnC激活剂。
  37. GC74191 (+)-trans-Permethrin

    (+)-trans-NRDC-143; (1R)-trans-Permethrin

    (+)-trans-Permethrin((+)-反式nrdc -143)是一种拟除虫菊酯,是菊花中含有的天然毒素拟除虫菊酯的合成衍生物。
  38. GC69720 (+)SHIN2 (+)SHIN2 是一种丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶 (SHMT) 抑制剂,它的体内靶点能够用 13C 丝氨酸示踪。(+)SHIN2 增加 Notch1 驱动的小鼠患原发性急性T淋巴细胞白血病 (T-ALL) 的存活率,并与 Methotrexate 有协同作用。
  39. GC71675 (-)-cis-Permethrin (-)-cis-Permethrin是一种菊酯类杀虫剂,广泛用于控制许多常见害虫。
  40. GC73402 (16R)-Epothilone D

    (16R)-埃博霉素; (16R)-KOS 862

    (16R)-Epothilone D是埃博霉素D的异构体并且可以用作实验对照。
  41. GC70232 (1R,2R)-Calhex 231 hydrochloride (1R,2R)-Calhex 231 hydrochloride为盐酸calhex231的异构体,可用作实验对照。
  42. GC67880 (1R,2S)-Xeruborbactam disodium

    (1R,2S)-QPX7728 disodium

    (1R,2S)-Xeruborbactam ((1R,2S)-QPX7728) disodium 是一种硼酸衍生物。
  43. GC73081 (1R,3S)-Compound E (1R,3S)-Compound E是化合物E的异构体并且可以用作实验对照。
  44. GC62730 (1S)-Calcitriol


    (1S)-Calcitriol (1α,25-Dihydroxy-3-epi-vitamin-D3) 是 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1α,25(OH)2D3) 的天然代谢产物。(1S)-Calcitriol表现出有效的维生素 D 受体 (VDR) 介导的作用,例如抑制角质形成细胞生长或抑制甲状旁腺激素分泌。
  45. GC70234 (2R)-Octyl-α-hydroxyglutarate sodium (2R)-Octyl-α-hydroxyglutarate sodium是2r -辛基-α-羟基戊二酸盐的钠盐形式。
  46. GC70210 (2R)-SR59230A (2R)-SR59230A为SR59230A的异构体,可用作实验对照。
  47. GC73089 (2R)-Vildagliptin

    (2R)-LAF237; (2R)-NVP-LAF 237

  48. GC73067 (2R,3R)-GSK973 (2R,3R)-GSK973是GSK973的异构体。
  49. GC68522 (2R,3S)-Brassinazole Brassinazole (0.5, 1, 5 μM) 显着导致幼苗畸形,其形态与 BR 缺陷突变体相似。Brassinazole 会导致水芹侏儒症,改变叶片形态,例如拟南芥 BR 缺陷突变体会有的典型的向下卷曲和深绿色外观。然而,施用 10 nM BR可逆转侏儒症。
  50. GC68523 (2S,3R)-Brassinazole (2S,3R)-Brassinazole 是油菜素唑 (BRZ) 的异构体。Brassinazole 作用于 6-oxo-campestanol 到 teasterone 的氧化过程,抑制油菜素类固醇 (BR) 生物合成 (brassinosteroid biosynthesis)。(2S,3R)-Brassinazole 可能是油菜素唑最活跃的形式。
  51. GC72621 (2S,3R,5S)-7-Deaza-2'-deoxy-7-iodoadenosine (2S,3R,5S)-7-Deaza-2'-deoxy-7-iodoadenosine是7-Deaza-2'-脱氧-7-碘腺苷的异构体,可用作实验对照。

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