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Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) and enteroviruses (HEVs) belong to the Picornaviridae family and are prominent causes of respiratory disease. They share identical genomic organization and high sequence homology. Their genome is divided into three sections: a 5’untranslated region (5’UTR), an open reading frame of the polyprotein that codes for all four capsid proteins (VP1-4) and the non-structural genes, and a 3’untranslated region.

Enteroviruses are members of the picornavirus family, a large and diverse group of small RNA viruses. According to the present classification, the enterovirus genus comprises the following species: poliovirus, human enterovirus A (HEV-A) (coxackie A viruses and enterovirus 71), HEV-B (coxsackie B viruses, echoviruses, coxsackie A9 virus, and enteroviruses 69 and 73), HEV-C (coxsackie A viruses), HEV-D (enteroviruses 68 and 70), and at least three animal enterovirus species (bovine, simian, and porcine enteroviruses). They all contain a genome of approximately 7,500 bases and positive [(+)]-strand polarity. After infection of the host cell, the genome is translated in a cap-independent manner into a single polyprotein, which is subsequently processed by virus-encoded proteases into the structural capsid proteins and the nonstructural proteins, which are mainly involved in the replication of the virus.

Products for  Enterovirus

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC70549 DC07090 dihydrochloride DC07090 dihydrochloride是一种低毒、强效、可逆和竞争性的非肽基人肠道病毒71 3C蛋白酶抑制剂,IC50和Ki值分别为21.72μM和23.29μM。
  3. GC70504 AN-12-H5 AN-12-H5一种抗肠道病毒化合物,靶向PV和肠道病毒71型(EV71)的复制过程。
  4. GC70206 (Rac)-Golgicide A (Rac)-Golgicide A Rac-GCA是Golgicide a的外消旋物。
  5. GC68675 Antiviral agent 24 Antiviral agent 24 是一种有效的抗病毒剂,对 EV71、CVA21、EV68 的 EC50 值分别为 0.101、19.9、91.2 µM。Antiviral agent 24 以剂量依赖性方式抑制 METTL3/METTL14 活性。
  6. GC64636 DMA-135 hydrochloride DMA-135 hydrochloride 抑制肠道病毒 71 型 (EV71) IRES依赖的翻译和复制。DMA-135 hydrochloride 以中等高亲和力(KD=?520? nM) 结合 EV71 的 SLII 结构域。DMA-135 hydrochloride 在基于细胞的研究中没有显著毒性。
  7. GC63291 WIN 54954 WIN 54954 是一种口服有效的广谱抗小核糖核酸病毒剂。WIN 54954 对人鼻病毒、埃可病毒 9 和肠道病毒感染有效。
  8. GC61961 NHC-triphosphate tetrasodium NHC-triphosphate tetrasodium是 NHC的活性胞内磷酸盐代谢物 (intracellular metabolite ),以三磷酸盐的形式存在。NHC-triphosphate tetrasodium是病毒聚合酶 (viral polymerase) 的弱底物替代物,会被并入 HCV 复制子 RNA 中。
  9. GC61956 NHC-diphosphate NHC-diphosphate 是 NHC 的活性胞内磷酸化代谢物 (intracellular metabolite ),以二磷酸盐的形式存在。NHC 是一种嘧啶核糖核苷,是一种有效的抗病毒剂 (anti-virus agent)。NHC 有效抑制委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 (VEEV)、基孔肯亚病毒 (CHIKV) 和丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV) 的复制。
  10. GC48241 Vapendavir


    A capsid-binding antiviral agent
  11. GC61359 TTP-8307 TTP-8307是几种鼻和肠道病毒(rhino-/enteroviruses)复制的有效抑制剂。TTP-8307通过干扰病毒RNA的合成抑制coxsackievirusB3病毒(CVB3;EC50=1.2μM)和poliovirus病毒。TTP-8307通过氧化甾醇结合蛋白(OSBP)发挥抗病毒活性。
  12. GC61130 NHC-triphosphate


  13. GC60099 Carbocisteine


    Carbocisteine (S-carboxymethyl-l-cysteine) is a very important pharmaceutical product with mucolitic activity and is normally used for the treatment of bronchitis and colds.
  14. GC18620 EIDD-1931

    N-羟基胞苷, β-D-N4-Hydroxycytidine, N4-Hydroxycytidine

    A ribonucleoside analog with antiviral activity
  15. GC39353 Brilliant Black BN

    食品黑1,E 151

    A sulfonated azo dye with antiviral activity
  16. GC50441 Rupintrivir


    Rupintrivirvr (AG7088) 是一种抗病毒药物,是一种强效、选择性和不可逆的人鼻病毒 (HRV) 3C 蛋白酶抑制剂。
  17. GC39097 Mosloflavone


    Mosloflavone 从 Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 中分离出的类黄酮,具有抗 EV71 活性。Mosloflavone 在病毒感染的初始阶段抑制 VP2 病毒复制和蛋白质表达,并抑制病毒 VP2 衣壳蛋白合成。 Mosloflavone 是有前途的杀菌剂,可抑制铜绿假单胞菌的毒力和生物膜形成。
  18. GC39066 Prunin

    柚皮素-7-O-葡萄糖苷; Naringenin 7-0-glucoside

    A flavonoid glycoside with diverse biological activities
  19. GC45990 Norwogonin

    去甲汉黄芩素; 5,7,8-Trihydroxyflavone

    A polyhydroxy flavone with diverse biological activities
  20. GC38050 Hederasaponin B


    A triterpene saponin with antiviral and antioxidant activities
  21. GC41462 cis-Resveratrol


    A phenolic antioxidant present in red wine
  22. GC32120 Pocapavir (SCH-48973)

    SCH-48973; V-073

    Pocapavir (SCH-48973) (SCH-48973) 是一种具有口服活性的衣壳抑制剂。
  23. GC32067 Pleconaril (VP 63843)

    普可那利,VP 63843; Win 63843

    A capsid-binding antipicornaviral agent
  24. GC19296 Pirodavir

    吡罗达韦; R77975

    A broad-spectrum antipicornaviral agent
  25. GC17737 PD 169316


    A specific p38 MAPK inhibitor

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