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Filoviruses is amongst the most lethal of primate pathogens. Filoviruses cause lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. The family Filoviridae includes two genera: Marburgvirus, comprising various strains of the Lake Victoria marburgvirus (MARV); and Ebolavirus (EBOVs), comprising four species including Sudan ebolavirus (SEBOV), Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV), Ivory Coast ebolavirus (CIEBOV), and Reston ebolavirus (REBOV); and a tentative species Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BEBOV).

The infections typically affect multiple organs in the body and are often accompanied by hemorrhage (bleeding). Once the virus has been transmitted from an animal host to a human, it can then spread through person-to-person contact.

Products for  Filovirus

  1. Cat.No. 产品名称 Information
  2. GC72667 EBOV-IN-1 EBOV-IN-1(com 3.47)是金刚烷二肽哌嗪和埃博拉病毒(EBOV)抑制剂。
  3. GC72446 Cosfroviximab Cosfroviximab(c13C6-FR1)是一种针对埃博拉病毒糖蛋白(EBOV-GP)的小鼠/人嵌合单克隆抗体。
  4. GC72436 Porgaviximab Porgaviximab是一种单克隆抗体,可用于埃博拉感染研究。
  5. GC72434 Odesivimab Odesivimab是一种针对埃博拉病毒糖蛋白的人单克隆抗体,重组组氨酸标记的Makona株埃博拉病毒糖蛋白外结构域蛋白的KD值为7.74nM。
  6. GC72425 Maftivimab Maftivimab (REGN3470-3471-3479)是丝状病毒抑制剂,是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的药物。
  7. GC72421 Larcaviximab Larcaviximab(c4G7-N)是一种IgG1κ抗埃博拉病毒糖蛋白嵌合单克隆抗体。
  8. GC72370 Atoltivimab Atoltivimab (REGN3470)或mativimab /odesivimab (Inmazeb)是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的首个针对扎伊尔埃博拉病毒(ebov)感染的单克隆抗体。
  9. GC72368 Ansuvimab Ansuvimab(Ansuvimab-zyk)是一种重组人单克隆IgG1抗体,对扎伊尔埃博拉病毒具有抗病毒活性。
  10. GC67627 2'-Deoxy-5'-O-DMT-2'-fluorouridine 2'-Deoxy-5'-O-DMT-2'-fluorouridine 是一种核苷类似物,是 5'-O-DMTr-5-FUDR 的衍生物。2'-Deoxy-5'-O-DMT-2'-fluorouridine 具有有效的抗黄热病 (YFV) 活性。
  11. GC43228 Cephaeline

    吐根酚碱; (-)-Cephaeline; NSC 32944 free base

    An alkaloid with diverse biological activities
  12. GC32092 Galidesivir (BCX 4430)

    加利西韦,BCX4430; Immucillin-A

    Galidesivir (BCX 4430) (BCX4430) 是一种腺苷类似物和直接作用的抗病毒剂,可破坏病毒 RNA 依赖性 RNA 聚合酶 (RdRp) 活性。
  13. GC32089 Galidesivir hydrochloride (BCX 4430 (hydrochloride))

    (2S,3S,4R,5R)-2-(4-氨基-5H-吡咯并[3,2-D]嘧啶-7-基)-5-(羟基甲基)-3,4-吡咯烷二醇单盐酸盐,BCX4430 hydrochloride; Immucillin-A hydrochloride

    Galidesivir (BCX4430) hydrochloride 是一种腺苷类似物和直接作用的抗病毒剂,可破坏病毒 RNA 依赖性 RNA 聚合酶 (RdRp) 活性。
  14. GC14314 Aloperine


    An alkaloid with diverse biological activities

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